Assessor's Office earns a perfect score on the State Audit

  • Grant Edwards
    Grant Edwards

LAWTON - The Comanche County Assessor’s office received notification recently that it earned a perfect score on its 2019 audit. According to Comanche County Assessor Grant Edwards, this is the third consecutive year Comanche County has received a perfect score. The Oklahoma Tax Commission conducts the “Performance Audit Findings and the Final Statistical Analysis of Sales.” Edwards said the audit includes 20 different areas for evaluation, for a maximum of 275 points. The audit is approximately a seven-month process. Edwards attributes the results to his team, saying they worked diligently all year long to uphold the highest standards. “This level of performance would not be possible without highly qualified individuals who display tremendous commitment to doing the best job possible. I am very proud to serve Comanche County with such a great group of people,” he said.